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1220 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Suite N
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Sea Island Shopping Center
(faces Chuck Dawley Blvd.)


Monday to Friday: 11am – 5pm
Saturday: by appointment

Cancellation Policy:

A 24-hour notice is required for all booked appointments to cancel or reschedule. We will try to accommodate your appointment changes as much as possible, but we cannot guarantee another available appointment within your desired time frame. More time may be needed to complete your appointment, and thus the client will be charged accordingly.

All new Blink clients will be required to secure your initial appointment with a credit card for 100% of the booked service fee. Credit cards will be charged 24 hours prior to booked appointment. If a new client cancels appointment 24 hours prior to booked appointment, your credit card will not be charged. However, after that 24-hour window, the full fee will be charged and is nonrefundable.

Current Blink clients may be required to prepay for booked appointments if an appointment is a no-show or is cancelled after the 24-hour window.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 843-442-3841 directly. Like Blink Lash Extensions on Facebook or Follow Blink Eyelash Extensions on Google+ to hear about specials & promotions!